Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry : eISSN 2233-9183 / pISSN 1225-729X

Table. 1.

Description of demographic characteristics as a percentage of the sample (n=508)

Characteristics Juvenile delinquents (n=232) Students (n=276)
Current age
12-14 yr 26 (11.21) 27 (9.78)
15-16 yr 75 (31.90) 129 (46.74)
17-18 yr 132 (56.90) 120 (43.48)
Illiterate 81 (34.91) -
1 Class-Primary 56 (24.14) -
6 Class-Matric 87 (37.50) 150 (54.35)
1st Year-Bachelors 8 (3.45) 126 (45.65)
Family system
Nuclear 124 (53.45) 151 (54.71)
Joint 108 (46.55) 123 (44.57)
Missing - 2 (0.72)
Area of living
Rural 144 (62.07) 61 (22.10)
Urban 87 (37.50) 215 (77.90)
Missing 1 (0.43) -
Socioeconomic status*
500-10000 PKRs 92 (39.66) 68 (24.64)
10001-20000 PKRs 67 (28.88) 97 (35.14)
20001-50000 PKRs 43 (18.53) 76 (27.54)
50001-120000 PKRs 12 (5.17) 18 (6.52)
Missing 18 (7.76) 17 (6.16)

Values are presented as n (%). *Socioeconomic status was calculated on the basis of monthly income. PKRs, Pakistani rupees

J Korean Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2025;36:36-46
© 2025 J Korean Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry