Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry : eISSN 2233-9183 / pISSN 1225-729X

Table. 2.

Psychometric properties of the main study variables (n=508)

Sr. no. Variables Items α M±SD Range
Potential Actual
1. Revised Self-reported Delinquency Scale 27 0.92 15.60±17.08 0-108 0-99
2. Risk taking 8 0.77 5.39±5.78 0-32 0-31
3. Sex related 5 0.78 3.47±4.42 0-20 0-20
4. Threat related 3 0.73 1.15±2.25 0-12 0-12
5. Police encountering 3 0.71 1.67±2.45 0-12 0-12
6. Drugs related 3 0.73 1.55±2.70 0-12 0-12
7. Attention seeking 5 0.71 2.38±3.36 0-20 0-20
8. Emotional Maturity Scale 46 0.91 86.59±24.91 46-230 46-204
9. Emotional stability 9 0.71 18.38±6.35 9-45 9-45
10. Emotional progression 10 0.75 19.64±6.81 10-50 10-47
11. Social adjustment 9 0.67 15.39±5.11 9-45 9-45
12. Personality integration 10 0.78 16.86±6.41 10-50 10-50
13. Independence 8 0.71 16.34±5.86 8-40 8-40
14. Emotional abuse scale 14 0.86 19.31±5.98 14-56 14-49
15. Physical and Verbal Aggression 9 0.86 15.26±6.50 9-45 9-45
16. Lie (EPQ) 17 0.77 21.94±3.46 17-34 17-32

EPQ, Eysenck Personality Questionnaire; M, mean; SD, standard deviation; Sr. no., serial number

J Korean Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2025;36:36-46
© 2025 J Korean Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry