Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry : eISSN 2233-9183 / pISSN 1225-729X

Table. 4.

Linear regression analysis of ASRS and K-AARS on STAI-T scores in the adult ADHD group

Univariate Multivariate
β (95% CI) SE p β (95% CI) SE p
Total score 0.476 (0.283, 0.670) 0.096 <0.001*** 0.409 (0.184, 0.634) 0.111 0.001**
Part A 1.123 (0.578, 1.668) 0.271 <0.001*** 0.967 (0.328, 1.605) 0.317 0.004**
Part B 0.696 (0.409, 0.983) 0.143 <0.001*** 0.584 (0.259, 0.909) 0.161 0.001**
Inattention 0.522 (0.330, 0.704) 0.091 <0.001*** 0.468 (0.264, 0.672) 0.101 <0.001***
Hyperactivity 0.958 (0.033, 1.803) 0.441 0.042 0.961 (0.019, 1.902) 0.467 0.046
Impulsivity 0.826 (0.430, 1.242) 0.207 <0.001*** 0.817 (0.385, 1.249) 0.215 <0.001***
APD/CD/ODD 0.504 (-0.138, 1.146) 0.320 0.121 0.300 (-0.336, 0.937) 0.316 0.347
Dysregulation 0.648 (0.427, 0.869) 0.110 <0.001*** 0.598 (0.348, 0.849) 0.124 <0.001***
Disorganization 1.270 (0.715, 1.825) 0.276 <0.001*** 1.120 (0.475, 1.765) 0.320 0.001**
Subtotal of clinical subscales 0.150 (0.084, 0.217) 0.033 <0.001*** 0.134 (0.064, 0.205) 0.035 <0.001***
Impairment 0.120 (-0.048, 0.289) 0.084 0.159 0.053 (-0.124, 0.230) 0.088 0.549
Driving -0.211 (-0.403, -0.020) 0.095 0.031* -0.028 (-0.273, 0.217) 0.122 0.820

*p<0.05; **p<0.01; ***p<0.001; adjusted for age, sex, marriage, education level, presence of other psychiatric comorbidity, and occupation. β, estimated regression coefficient; ADHD, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; APD, antisocial personality disorder; ASRS, Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale; CD, conduct disorder; CI, confidence interval; K-AARS, Korean Adult ADHD Rating Scale; ODD, oppositional defiant disorder; SE, standard error; STAI-T, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-Trait scale

J Korean Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2024;35:266-74
© 2024 J Korean Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry