Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry : eISSN 2233-9183 / pISSN 1225-729X

Table. 1.

Common background of research subjects

Variable Value
Female 76764 (58.5)
Male 54430 (41.5)
Level of school
Middle school 79880 (60.9)
High school 51314 (39.1)
Economic hardship due to COVID-19
None 82989 (63.3)
Exist 16855 (12.8)
Not knowing 31350 (23.9)
COVID-19 confirmed experience
None 125448 (95.6)
Exist 5746 (4.4)
Physical activity*
Almost never 69717 (53.1)
About 1-2 days 29441 (22.4)
About 3-4 days 15972 (12.2)
More than 5 days 16064 (12.2)
Sleep time
Within 4 hours 4749 (3.6)
4-6 hours 17796 (13.5)
6-8 hours 57887 (44.1)
More than 8 hours 50789 (38.7)
Normal 92641 (70.6)
Mild depression 22538 (17.2)
Moderate depression 13196 (10.1)
Severe depression 2819 (2.1)
Normal 107808 (82.2)
Mild anxiety 14234 (10.8)
Moderate anxiety 5418 (4.1)
Severe anxiety 3734 (2.8)

Data are presented as n (%). *the number of days in which you exercised for at least 30 minutes to 1 hour per day to the extent that you were out of breath or sweated for 1 week. COVID-19, coronavirus disease 2019

J Korean Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2024;35:230-42
© 2024 J Korean Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry