Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry : eISSN 2233-9183 / pISSN 1225-729X

Table. 5.

Independent sample t-test comparing in body weight change with aripiprazole usage: categorization based on co-administration of other drugs

Aripiprazole only (n=64, 39.02%) Use with other drug (N=100, 60.98%) t p
Dosage of aripiprazole (mg)
Start 0.79±0.38 1.38±1.30 -4.223 <0.001*
Fixed 2.00±1.30 5.49±4.00 -5.476 <0.001*
Stabilized 1.89±1.10 4.27±3.31 -4.005 <0.001*
Weight change (kg) 6.94±6.31 11.16±12.40 -0.952 0.350
Period until dosage fixation (month) 15.67±17.14 44.34±192.09 -0.727 0.469
Weight change per month (kg/month) 0.29±0.30 0.71±0.78 -1.435 0.165

Values are presented as mean±standard deviation. *p<0.05

J Korean Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2024;35:136-42
© 2024 J Korean Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry