Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry : eISSN 2233-9183 / pISSN 1225-729X

Table. 1.

Demographic and clinical characteristics of the child and adolescent patients with ASD

Characteristics Value (n=164)
Male 144 (87.8)
Female 20 (12.2)
Age at starting drug (yr) 7.64±2.67 (3-15)
Main diagnosis
F840 (autistic disorder, childhood autism) 135 (82.3)
F841 (atypical autism) 0 (0)
F842 (Rett’s syndrome) 0 (0)
F843 (childhood disintegrative disorder) 0 (0)
F845 (Asperger’s syndrome) 29 (17.7)
F849 (pervasive developmental disorder) 0 (0)
Group 1 (≤6 yr 12 month) 29 (17.2)
Male 24 (82.8)
Female 5 (17.2)
Group 2 (7 yr-12 yr 12 month) 90 (54.9)
Male 80 (88.9)
Female 10 (11.1)
Group 3 (13 yr-18 yr 12 month) 45 (27.4)
Male 40 (88.9)
Female 5 (11.1)
Full Scale Intelligence Quotient 69.44±23.01 (39-138)
Social Maturity Scale-SQ 65.63±24.96 (16.0-137.0)
K-CARS-2 35.68±5.94 (22.0-50.5)
K-ADOS-2 Comparison score 7.09±1.68 (2-10)

Values are presented as mean±standard deviation (range) or number (%). ADS, autism spectrum disorder; K-ADOS-2, Korean Version of the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule; KCARS-2, Korean Version of the Childhood Autism Rating Scale

J Korean Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2024;35:136-42
© 2024 J Korean Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry