Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry : eISSN 2233-9183 / pISSN 1225-729X

Table. 1.

Summary of the nine alternate identities

Name of alternate identity Emotion(s) expressed by the alternate identity Characteristics revealed through ego state therapy and the patient’s drawings
Agate Void The patient’s main state; it has become the leader of the other alters through the treatment process and is capable of controlling the other alters. Presence or absence of the horns (Fig. 1) can be an indicator of whether the patient is feeling void, or in a state where he is better at feeling emotions.
Ri_te Sorrow Good at feeling sorrow; when agitated, makes verbal slip-ups that include expletives. When engaging in violent and cruel behavior, it occasionally encourages such behavior from the side.
Xandra Rage A cynical character, who can be quite fierce at times. In the past, it was always in the shape of a monster resembling a crow; following admission, it became less fierce, and it was discovered that it had a human form.
Obsidian Guilt (sin, fault) This alter does not feel guilty but makes other alters feel guilty. In this process, its influence grows, which increases the probability of committing a crime. The feeling of guilt was too difficult for this alter; to become numb to guilt, it would repeatedly engage in behaviors that would induce guilt.
Tourmaline Knowledge, disgust The director who is in charge of the space within the Mind’s Room; has almost all of the information regarding the things that have occurred within the mind.
Rose Quartz Happiness, despair It had been isolated and exhausted in the desert of Mind’s room; since the beginning of the treatment, it has a good relationship with the others and sits straight.
Alex Love, fear This alter had thought that the patient was so lonely that it pushed the patient into a love relationship inappropriately with sexual jokes.
Emerald Pure, insanity Came into existence when the patient was 4 years old and stayed mainly in the basement of the Mind’s Room; although it could leave or enter the space freely, it was completely shut-in when the patient was 10 years old and could no longer leave the Basement. Has a child-like appearance; the facial expression has become brighter since the beginning of the treatment, as the door to the basement had been opened.
The Emerald (Emma) Insanity The most impulsive and aggressive alter that was hidden inside the pure alter of Emerald. Takes turns with Emerald to change personality within the Mind’s Room. Agate is controlling it since it has insanity and anger for people.
J Korean Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry 2022;33:73-81
© 2022 J Korean Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry